03 September 2008

is life really..meaningless? is it true?

Moshi Moshi. Tani dsini. Sedang bingung. Sedang sedih. Sedang marah. Kenapa? Aku sendiri ga tau knapa aku merasa begitu. Mengapa? Karena orang-orang ga bisa jujur ama aku. Orang-orang ga ngebiarin aku ngebantu mereka. Ga ngebiarin aku ikutan menangani beban mereka. Mungkin memang aku yang salah karena ga bisa jujur ama diri sendiri,maupun ama orang lain. Tapi emg itu udah apa adanya aku. Bakalan susah kalo ada seseorang yg mungkin membutuhkan aku dalam individu yang lebih baik. Tapi,apakah ada? Apakah ada orang yang butuh kehadiran gue di dunia ini? Kalo emang ga ada,buat apa aku ada kalo ntar ujung"nya aku cuma nyakitin. Cuma ngerepotin orang" yang aku sayang.

Tani ngomong gini karena ga bisa cerita kemana-mana. Tani kalo ngomong ga bakalan bener. Cuma bisa bener kalo di sms,blog,ato hal" lain ga berhubungan dengan "kontak langsung". Tani pengen bisa berguna buat orang lain. Pengen bisa dengerin keluh kesal mereka. Pengen bisa bantu mereka. Pengen merubah dunia (cie elah . L Change the World addict).

Mungkin semua itu bakalan mudah buat dijawab. Tapi aku bingung aja. Kenapa kalo aku udah tau,masih juga bingung. Itulah hidup. U will never know what will happen. U will experience an oportunity to see how sadness,madness,dissapointment,and hurt feels. But life can be the most beautiful gift of all. We can feel happiness,cheer,joy,and even love. But,what i love most about life,is Friendship. That's what i love best about life. I can't live without having it. Aku lebih baik mati. Makanya,Lagu I'll Be There For You akan selalu aku nyanyikan buat semua temanku.

Aku pgn tau kalo mereka liat blog ini. Apa yang bakal mereka rasain. Apakah mereka bakal peduli ama apa yang aku rasain? I doubt that. Sekarang aja,ga ada yang ngertiin aku. Ga ada. Aku pgn punya seseorang yang bisa aku jadiin diary buat aku. Diary.. itu tandanya : 1. Tempat untuk menceritakan sesuatu yang mungkin sulit untuk kita ungkapkan pada orang lain.
2. Bersifat personal. Ia ga akan membongkar rahasiamu. 3. Akan selalu ada di sisi kita. Dan ga akn komentar apapun ttg apa yg kita katakan.(dasar, aku aj kritikus. Tp ga mau di kritik -,-a)

But, i'll be there for you. When the rain starts to pour.
I'll be there for you. Like i've been there before.
I'll be there for you. Cause you're there for me too.

Lihat di kalimat terakhir. Aku kepengen persahabatan aku kayak gitu. Or like this..

No one could ever know me. No one could ever see me.
Seems like you're the only one who knows what's like to be me.
Someone to face the day with, make it through all the rest with.
Someone i'll always laugh with,even at worst,i'm best with you.

Oh iya. Ada satu lagu lagi. Judulnya apa tebak..?(lagi" tani.. blog sendiri di ajak ngomong -,-a)
Judulnya..KEPOMPONG. Jangan jijik dulu ya. Bukan kepompong ini

Tapi lagu judulnya kepompong yang dibawain ama band asal Bandung namanya SINDENTOSCA. Bayangin..sinden~.~ . ini nih lyricnya

Dulu kita sahabat.teman begitu hangat.mengalahkan sinar mentari
Dulu kita sahabat.berteman bagai ulat.berharap jadi kupu"

kini kita melangkah b'jauh"an
kau jauhi diriku krna sesuatu
mungkin ku t'lalu b'tingkah kejauhan
namun itu karna ku sayang

p'sahabatan bagai kepompong
mengubah ulat mnjdi kupu"
p'shabatan bagai kepompong
hal yang tak mudah. berubah jadi indah
p'sahabatan bagai kepompong.
maklumi teman hadapi p'bedaan
p'sahabatan bagai kepompong.

ya kira-kira begitu deh intinya. Pokoknya friendship bgt. Untung aku punya temen kayak Randy. Jadi tau deh lagu ini^^. makasii ya,Ran. Lain kali tak bantuin pingsan.hehe:D

comment please o(>.<)o

4 komen geje:

Abdi Marang Gusti Alhaq mengatakan...

Obviously-the story mirip my story

Recently I've been,
Hopelessly reaching
Out for this girl,
Who's out of this world
believe me.
She's got a boyfriend,
He drives her round the bend
Coz he's 23
He's in the marines
He'd kill me

but So many nights now,
I find myself thinking about her now

Coz obviously she's out of my league,
How can I win she keeps dragging me in,
And I know,
I never will be good enough for her,
No no
Never will be good enough for her.

Got to escape now
Get on a plane now(oooh yeah)
Off to L.A. and that's where I'll stay for two years

Put her behind me,
(Put her behind me)
Go to a place where she can't find me.

Coz obviously she's out of my league,
I'm wasting my time coz she'll never be mine
And I know I never will be good enough for her
No no
I Never will be good enough for her

She's out of my hands,
And I never know where I stand
Coz I'm not good enough for her
(Good enough for her)
Enough enough enough for her
Good enough for her
Good enough for her

Coz obviously she's out of my league
I'm wasting my time coz she'll never be mine
And I know I never will be good enough for her
Coz obviously she's out of my league
But how can I win she keeps dragging me in
And I know never I will be good enough for her
Coz obviously she's out of my league
I'm wasting my time coz she'll never be mine
And I know I never will be good enough for her
No no
I never will be good enough for her

Abdi Marang Gusti Alhaq mengatakan...

I'm just a kid(me)

I woke up it was 7
I waited till 11
Just to figure out that no one would call
I think I've got a lot of friends
But I don't hear from them
What's another night all alone
When you're spending every day on your own
And here it goes

I'm just a kid
And life is a nightmare
I'm just a kid
I know that it's not fair
Nobody cares cause I'm alone and the world is having more fun than me

And maybe when the night is dead
I'll crawl into my bed staring at these 4 walls again
I'll try to think about the last time I had a good time
Everyone's got somewhere to go & they're gonna leave me here on my own
And here it goes

I'm just a kid
And life is a nightmare
I'm just a kid
I know that it's not fair
Nobody cares cause I'm alone and the world is having more fun than me

What the hell is wrong with me
Don't fit in with anybody
How did this happen to me?
Wide awake I'm bored & I can't fall asleep
And every night is the worst night ever

I'm just a kid
I'm just a kid
I'm just a kid
I'm just a kid
I'm just a kid

I'm just a kid
And life is a nightmare
I'm just a kid
I know that it's not fair
Nobody cares cause I'm alone and the world is
Nobody wants to be alone in the world

I'm just a kid
And life is a nightmare
I'm just a kid
I know that it's not fair
Nobody cares cause I'm alone and the world is
Nobody wants to be alone in the world
Nobody cares cause I'm alone and the world is having more fun than me tonight
I'm all alone tonight
Nobody cares tonight
Cause I'm just a kid tonight

Abdi Marang Gusti Alhaq mengatakan...

ini lagu bhs.indonya judulnya kisah cintaku

Di malam yang sesunyi ini
Aku sendiri tiada yang menemani
Akhirnya kini kusadari
Dia telah pergi tinggalkan diriku
Adakah semua kan terulang
Kisah cintaku yang seperti dulu
Hanya dirimu yang kucinta dan kukenang di dalam hatiku
Takkan pernah hilang bayangan dirimu untuk selamanya
Mengapa terjadi kepada diri mu
Aku tak percaya kau telah tiada
Haruskah kupergi tinggalkan dunia
Agar aku dapat berjumpa dengan mu
Mengapa terjadi kepada diri mu
Aku tak percaya kau telah tiada
Mengapa terjadi kepada diri mu
Aku tak percaya kau telah tiada
Haruskah kupergi tinggalkan dunia
Agar aku dapat berjumpa dengan mu

Anonim mengatakan...

i'll write this if u want to know how much i love you deep down inside my heart, yunnie:

A Friend... is a tissue when you can't stop crying
A Friend... is a shoulder when you feel like dying
A Friend... always listens when you have something to say
A Friend... is a week when you need a day
A Friend... is a crutch when you have a broken heart
A Friend... is some glue when everything falls apart
A Friend... is a sun when the rain just won't stop
A Friend... is your 'mom when you run into a cop
A Friend... is a phone call when you can't leave your home
A Friend... is a hand when you feel all alone
A Friend... is a wing if you want to fly
A Friend... understands without knowing why
A Friend... is an ear for a secret to tell
A Friend... is an aspirin when your head hurts like hell
A Friend... is a love that can never let go
A Friend... is you, and I wanted you to know!! **** I hope....
A FRIENDSHIP between you 'n' me is forever more... **